1 installation environment introduction:
Win8.1 Enterprise Edition 64, VS2013, mono-android-4.12.02001, the installation process below are successfully has been installed in the VS2013 operation, the support of vs2013 Chinese crack.
Installing JDK 2
To Oracle official download and install jdk-6u45-windows-i586.exe
Add the environment variable JAVA_HOME
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_45
Add the environment variable CLASSPATH
Modify the environment variable Path, add the following values at the front:
3 installation Android SDK, download the installer_r22.6.2-windows.exe, I am here is mounted to the D:\Develop\Android\android-sdk directory
Can also download the offline package, unzip to D:\Develop\Android\android-sdk, installer_r22.6.2-windows.exe toinstall to install the latest version of the unpacked
After the installation to set environment variables, right-click My Computer properties -- -- -- -- advanced system settings advanced environmental variables -- variables, find the Path, click Modify, increase in the front:
(note must end with semicolon; English, if Path has the value, it is not necessary to add, if it is mounted to the other directory, corresponding to modify the path)
4 in order to download and install the following software:
3)XamarinInstaller.exe, Automatic installation of NDK, Android and iOS plugin (can also be used manually installed sequentially installed)
After the 5 best all finished, restart the computer
6 Download Windows following patch:
1)Crack Android: copy mandroid.exe to%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android
The switch in the CMD command to%PROGRAMFILES (x86)%\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android directory, run the following command register:
mandroid.exe --activate --activation-name=b4a --activation-phone=b4a --activation-company=b4a --activation-code=b4a --activation-email=b4a
Check whether the registration is successful
Run command: mandroid.exe --entitlements > "%temp%"\mfa.txt
Then run the command: type "%temp%"\mfa.txt
If appear similar to " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MonoAndroid Priority2014-08-26T05:52:36" form that is registered successfully.
2)Crack iOS: copy mtouch.exe to%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS
The switch in the CMD command to%PROGRAMFILES (x86)%\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS directory, run the following command register:
mtouch.exe --activate --activation-name=b4a --activation-phone=b4a --activation-company=b4a --activation-code=b4a --activation-email=b4a
With part of the original procedure download address:
With Android SDK development kit the download address:
Part of the original address from the following contents:
Two, Mac the following installation
Installing Max 1, this is not to say, the reference article
Install the Xcode procedure in the above article, pay attention to, if you want to use under the MAC simulator, it can only be installed 5.0.2 Xcode, if only the prototype debugging, you can install the Xcode 5.1
Installing Xamarin 2, to the official website to download online setup XamarinInstaller.dmg for automatic installation, the installation process to download a file, so this step will be a bit long, waiting for the automatic installation is completed, the automatic installation program download address:
3 automatically after the installation of the version is not broken, and is compared with the old version, we next to the corresponding version download crack, download the following all the linked files, and in order to install:
To download files:
Solving steps are as follows:
a) replace mtouch in /Developer/MonoTouch/usr/bin/
b) replace mandroid in /Developer/MonoAndroid/usr/bin/
c) Executed on the command line: sudo chmod a+x /Developer/MonoAndroid/usr/bin/mandroid
d) Run in Cmd: /Developer/MonoAndroid/usr/bin/mandroid --activate --activation-name=b4a --activation-phone=b4a --activation-company=b4a --activation-code=b4a --activation-email=b4a
e) Run in Cmd: /Developer/MonoAndroid/usr/bin/mandroid --entitlements
If the output is similar to " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MonoAndroid Priority2014-08-26T05:52:36" said success
f) execute: /Developer/MonoTouch/usr/bin/mtouch --activate --activation-name=b4a --activation-phone=b4a --activation-company=b4a --activation-code=b4a --activation-email=b4a
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